Ware Family
Genealogy Home Page
This site is the property of Judy C. Ware – the author of New
Nation/New Home and also Virginia Roots in Kentucky Soil .
It specifically deals with the descendants of James Ware I and
his wife, Agnes Todd Ware who settled in Gloucester County, Virginia in
the 1700’s. This particular branch of the Ware tree has found its
roots in Virginia, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Texas, but generations
have ultimately spread all over the map. The
work on this site is copyrighted but happily available for all family
researchers and genealogists – with the simple request that proper
accreditation be given when using it as a source.
Complete Lineage of the Ware Name to the
Present Generation
Agnes TODD WARE vs.
The Ware Family Bible
The Biography of James
Ware I
(Book Order
Form at bottom of page)
Table of
Chapter 1
- Change is in the Air
Chapter 2
- "By Favor of God"
Chapter 3
- James and Agnes ~ The Early Years
Chapter 4
- Son - John
Chapter 5
- Son -
Chapter 6
- Son -
Chapter 7
- Son -
Richard &
Daughter - Clary
Chapter 8
- Son - William
Chapter 9
- Son - Edmund
10 - Changing Times for James& Agnes
11 - To Whom Much Is Given, Much Shall Be Required Luke
12 - The Only Thing That Lasts
- The Invisible Tie That Binds
The History of Dr. James Ware II & His Wife,
Virginia Catherine Todd Ware
Transcription of 1812 Letter from James Ware II to James Ware III
Transcription of 1819 Letter from Catherine Conn to
Sally Ware (Josiah's sister)
Transcription of 1825 Letter from Thompson Ware to
Sally Ware
Transcription of Lucy Webb letter to Sally
Ware Stribling - circa 1828
Transcription of 1831 Letter from Charles
Ware to Sally Ware Stribling
Josiah William Ware - Brief Overview
Transcription of 1831 Letter to Sally Ware (Josiah's sister) from
Charles Ware
of 1833 Letter to Josiah Ware from T. S. Davison (coming soon)
A Map of Ware-Related Houses in Virginia
New For Southland Loved
The Biography of Jane Morton Smith Ware,
wife of James Alexander Ware
New Introduction - pages 3-8
New Chapter 1: Smith-Taylor-Somerville Bloodlines, pages 9-36
New Chapter 2: The Value of an Education, pages 37-42
New Chapter 3: Texas, A Good Place to Start, pages 43-52
New Chapter 4: Early years in Nueces County, pages 53-58
New Chapter 5: Ware’s Tigers - pages 59-68
New Chapter 6: Battle of Corpus Christi - pages 69-86
New Chapter 7: War is Hell on the Home Front - pages 87-92
New Chapter 8: Cavalry and Cotton - pages 93-108
New Chapter 9: Captain King - pages 109-126
New Chapter 10: Red River
Campaign - pages 127-164
New Chapter 11: Fort Duncan - pages 165-196
New Chapter
12: Where to Go From Here - pages 197-212
New Chapter
13: Making the Best of It - pages 213-220
New Chapter
14: Sacrifice and Service - pages 221-226
New Chapter
15: The Honorable James A. Ware - pages 227-248
New Chapter
16: Back to Basics - pages 249-264
New Chapter
17: Coming into the Home Stretch - pages 265-286
New Chapter
18: Ringing in a New Century - pages 287-295
New Chapter
19: Finishing Southern Strong - pages 296-328
New Chapter
20: Frances Glassell Ware, Daughter - pages 329-344
21: Somerville Ware – son (coming soon)
22: Eudora Murray Ware Dean (coming soon)
Index - References - Acknowledgements (coming
Governor John Ireland
a. Background information
b. Letter of Commendation from John Ireland
Connection Between the Wares and Presidents
James Madison and Zachary Taylor PLUS President
James Monroe and Governors J. J. Crittenden and John Adair
The research in the
following 3 sections will show how the families of Taylor ,
Crittenden, Monroe, Lewis,
Blackburn, and Berry
all connect to the Ware line, mainly through William Ware and James Ware II –
both sons of James and Agnes.
1 Introduction and
Taylor, Monroe, Lewis, Blackburn & Berry
Taylor, Berry, Blackburn, Bacon, Crittenden,
Monroe, Adair
3 Laura Ware,
Bacon, Crittenden
Ware Connections to General George S.
Springfield Farm
Springfield - Before and After the Fire
Josiah's Diary
Biography of Frances Toy Glassell Ware,
first wife of Josiah William Ware
Biography of
Edmonia Jaquelin Smith, second wife of Josiah William Ware (coming
Inspired by the letters of
Cornelia Ware Anker
***NEW! Index provided for the following work
Original Page 1 - The Ware Family in Virginia and
Kentucky - letters and
overview of the migration of the Ware family from Virginia to Kentucky
Original Page 2
- Children of James Ware II -
Thompson, James III, Mary Todd, Lucy, Charles, Catherine, and George
Pages 3 & 4 - Looking back to James I and missing page for James II
- History prior to Kentucky migration, the Striblings,
Orkney Springs, Morgan Springs, line of James Ware III and Riverside
Original Page 5 - Josiah Ware, Springfield, and War
Great details of Josiah Ware & Springfield -
Edmonia Ware, Smithfield, & her Smith family line - Josiah’s
military records
time as a war prisoner, history of time
spent in Old Capital Prison – Agricultural & political
achievements of Josiah – connections with Presidents – burning of
Original Page
6 - Edmonia Ware - James
Alexander Ware - wife, Jane Morton Smith Ware
and their children: Somerville Ware, Fanny Glassell Ware Elliott, and
Eudora Ware Dean
Original Page 7 - Elizabeth Alexander, Lucy Balmain,
and Charles Alexander Ware -
Alexander Ware & King Ranch in Texas, Lucy Balmain Ware &
marriage into George Washington family, and Charles Alexander Ware –
with the start of Lucy Ware Lewis McCormick
Original Page 8 -
Lucy Ware McCormick, Charles Treadwell Ayres McCormick
and Ayres family link, Jaque Ware, family homes of Cool Spring,
Smithfield, etc, and life events of the times -
wonderful descriptions of family gatherings, George Washington
sugar bowl, other children of E.P.C. Lewis (i.e. Edwin A., Esther M.
Chapin, Julia S. Cumming, and Elinor P.C.L. Dworzak.
Orininal Page 9 -
Recollections of life events at Durham Farm and Sigismund Ware &
Family – Sale of Springfield
Page 10 - Civil War Memories from Springfield -
Experiences the family had during the Civil
War – hiding things from the enemy - a close call Sigismund and Jo had
with the Yankees - Edmonia’s bravery – the firing of Springfield –
kindness of General Merritt
Original Page 11 - More Civil War memories and Josiah
William Ware, Jr. and family -
Uncle Jaque’s encounter with swamp dragons, details
about Josiah’s sons, Sigismund and Josiah Jr.
Original Page 12 - Children of Josiah William Ware Jr. and start of Robert
Macky Ware, the youngest son of Josiah -
specifically gives details on
John Nottingham, Jaquelin, Josiah William III, Kennard, and Dorothy
Original Page 13 - The children of Robert and Caroline Ware - Details about Ellen Edmonia Ware and her large, blended
family of Caroline, Elizabeth, Joseph Sterling, Jr., Lester Orestes,
Jaquelin, Archibald, Keturah, Babbie, Barbara, Ruth, Herbert Everett,
and Benjamin Franklin Reagan - - Henry or Hal Ware and the military
career of his son, Captain Robert Macky Ware, talented daughter,
Margaret Ware Ivers, and youngest son, Henry Waughop Ware, Jr., whose
wife came from a family of famous artists (Kearney Egerton &
Lillian Egerton) - - and Alice Wilson Ware whose second husband was
Arthur Henry Ebbets whose family was connected to Ebbets Field...
Senator & Secretary of State Henry Clay
a. Background
b. Letter
from Henry Clay dated 1836
Senator & Secretary of State Daniel Webster
a. Background
b. Letter
from Daniel Webster to Josiah Ware dated 1840
c. Letter
from Daniel Webster to Josiah Ware dated 1848
Governor, Senator & Attorney General John J. Crittendon
a. Background
b. Letter
from J. J. Crittenden to Josiah Ware July 8, 1838
Senator & Secretary of State, John C. Calhoun
a. Background
b. Letter
from Senator John Calhoun to Josiah Ware in 1836
Confederate General Robert E. Lee
a. Connection
Between the Lee & Ware Families
b. Letter
from Robert E. Lee to Josiah Ware dated 1861
c. Letter
from Robert E. Lee to Josiah Ware dated 1862
Senator William C. Rives
a. Background
b. Letter
from Senator W.C. Rives to Josiah Ware, Nov 1838
Senator Benjamin Watkins Leigh
a. Background
b. Letter
from B.W. Leigh, Oct 9, 1836
c. Letter
from B.W. Leigh, April 1, 1839
Senator William R. King
a. Background information
b. Letter
from Senator William R King, April 1, 1842
c. Companion
Letter (i.e. April 1, 1842) from Mrs. Byron
d. Letter
from Senator William R. King, 1838
Secretary of the Navy William C. Preston
a. Background
b. Letter
from Senator Preston to Josiah, dated 1839
Governor of Virginia & Senator James Pleasants Jr.
a. Background
b. 1824
Commissioning paper for Josiah Ware
Congressman John Bell
a. Background
1824 Commissioning Oath
Governor of Virginia Henry Wise
a. Background
b. Letter from
Henry Wise Feb. 18, 1860
c. Commissioning
Papers for Josiah for the Rank of Colonel (plus affidavit for oaths
taken before Chief Justice Francis McCormick)
Union Cavalry Col.
A.T. McReynolds & Lt. James H. Stevenson
a. Safeguard
letter, May 30, 1863, w/quotes from Stevenson's book about Josiah
b. Safeguard
pass, May 31, 1863
c. Safeguard
pass, April 6, 1863
d. Long
letter, April 6, 1863 that accompanied the above safeguard
Democratic Politician Henry Ware
a. Background
information on Henry Ware
b. Letter
from Henry Ware to Mrs. Hayes
Democrat George N. Miller
a. Background
Information on George N. Miller
b. Letter
from Miller to Josiah Ware in 1880
Owner James T. E. Fripp
Henderson Suter
Officer Lt. Jesse Wyckoff
Between President & Mrs. Hayes and the Ware Family (Lucy Ware Webb
Hayes) - Cousin of Josiah Ware (coming soon)
Josiah Ware's
Military Records and Service (coming soon)
Virginia Battlefield Information
Letter from Edmonia Ware to her stepdaughter
Josiah's 1863 Letter to His Son
2nd Civil War Letter to His Son
Josiah Arrest and Imprisonment During the
Civil War (coming soon)
Biography of Judge (Captain) James Alexander Ware,
oldest son of Josiah William Ware and Frances Toy Glassell Ware (coming
Letter from James A. Ware to his
Grandsons 1894
James A. Ware’s Connection with Top Political &
Military Figures of His Time
Biography of Dr. Charles
Alexander Ware, youngest son of Josiah William Ware and Frances Toy
Glassell Ware
of Elizabeth Alexander Ware, oldest daughter of Josiah and Frances Ware
(coming soon)
Biography of Lucy Balmain Ware Lewis, youngest Daughter of Josiah
William Ware and Frances Toy Glassell Ware (coming soon)
The Ware Connection to George & Martha Washington
(coming down from James Alexander Ware and
Lucy Balmain Ware)
Sugar Bowl Donated to Mount Vernon
Sugar Bowl
is Home at Last
Biography of Lucy Ware Lewis McCormick
(coming soon)
Will & Testament of Lucy Ware McCormick
Josiah Ware's Writings
Concerning Washington a.
to Pres. Hayes 8/14/1879 (Continental money, boots, Fairfax screens,
letter, autographs)
b. Letter
to Pres. Hayes 11/20/1879 (Continental money, boots, screen)
Letter to Lucy Hayes 2/8/1880 (Continental
d. Letter
to Lucy Hayes 1/12/1882 (Martha Washington's dress)
Concerning George Washington's Death
Biography of
Jaquelin Smith Ware, oldest son of Josiah and Edmonia Ware (coming
Biography of Rev.
Josiah William Ware II, son of Josiah and Edmonia Ware (coming soon)
of Sigismund Stribling Ware, son of Josiah and Edmonia Ware
Biography of
Robert Macky Ware, youngest child of Josiah and Edmonia Ware (coming
Ware I
Ware II and Virginia Catherine Todd Ware
Ware III
Josiah William
James Alexander Ware (coming soon)
Jane Morton Smith Ware (coming soon)
Somerville Ware (coming soon)
Ora Lena
Rogers Ware (coming soon)

Jim and Judy Ware