Complete Lineage of the Ware Name to the
Present Generation (through descending males)
courtesy of Judy Ware
Judy C. Ware

"By Favor of God"
Family Motto (or creed)
[ref. 135]
The origin of the surname "Ware" has been open to some question. Some sources
document the name as being of English (Saxon) origin while others theorize it had Norman
antecedents, being brought to England with the Norman invasion in 1066. However, the vast
preponderance of evidence supports the Norman origin. The one thing we know with certainty
is that the family name is linked with land ownership and (in many cases) nobility during
the eleventh century.
"The family name of Ware started out as "de la Warre" & is believed
to be descended from the Norman race; more accurately - - of Viking origin."
(Wanda Ware DeGidio, Ware Family History) [ref. 379]
The Vikings (also called Northmen or Norsemen) were warriors and sea travelers who
began to attack the coasts of Europe with great violence around A.D. 790. They were of
Nordic ancestry and were known for their adventurous lifestyles and love of war and
fighting. According to the World Book Encyclopedia, they were skillful, daring seamen who
"carried raiding parties to Ireland, England, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. The
Vikings killed, stole, and burned wherever they landed." [ref. 392]
It was not just plunder that these fierce warriors sought; they were also looking for
land and homes. In the 800s Vikings began a conquest of the French coast and river
valleys, and by approximately A.D. 910, they had colonized the French territory later
known as Normandy.
William (the Duke of Normandy) was a proud and ruthless ruler. He created a powerful
army and expected to follow his cousin, King Edward the Confessor, as King of England.
When Edward died in 1066, however, the Anglo-Saxon Great Council elected Harold as King.
"William at once declared his right to the throne. He secured the support of the
Pope, gathered an army of about 60,000 excellent fighting men, and landed his force near
Hastings, on the coast of Sussex. This was the historic Battle of Hastings, which
established the Norman rule of England." [ref. 392]
William was crowned King of England on Christmas Day, 1066, and he spent the next several
years subduing the Saxons and securing his reign. Land and titles were divided among the
loyal followers, and in 1086 William ordered a census to be taken of the English people
and their possessions. This first official record of the property owners living in England
is recorded in two large volumes referred to as the Doomsday (or Domesday) Book.
"It is known that information published in Doomsday Book was considered final and
authoritative. Exact copies of the original Doomsday Book were published in 1861 and
1865." [ref. 393] According to DeGidio, "since the de la Warre
name was not among the known commanders listed in the Battell Abbey Rolls, the
family was, most likely, included with the estimated 12,000 Standard bearers, Men at Arms,
Yeomen, Freemen and other ranks, who were granted smaller parcels of England."
[ref. 379]
"Norman influence spread widely throughout the British Isles, and one of their
contributions to the culture was the wider use of surnames - many of whom were reflective
of estate titles. The surnames adopted by the nobility were mainly of this type, being
used with the particles de, de la, or del (meaning 'of' or 'of the')." [ref.
379] Consequently, if you said your name was Roger de la Warre - you were, in
essence, saying that you were Roger of the house of Warre. "This surname of 'de la
Warre' emerged as a notable English family name where they were recorded as a family of
great antiquity seated as Lords of the Manor and estates in that shire."
Quoting John Burke in A Geneological and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great
Britain and Ireland, DiGedio also states that "the family of Ware claims descent
from Roger de la Ware, Lord of Isefield, & Baron of Parliament in the reign of Edward
I. The founder was Jordan de la Warre of Wick, Gloucestershire, England, whose descendants
enjoyed extensive grants of land in the southern, middle and western counties of England,
for bravery in various wars, particularly on the fields of Crecy and Poitiers." Burke
continues, "many of that family under the name de Warr, de Warre, and le Warre were
(in succeeding reigns) summoned to parliament as Lords thereof; which may be seen in
numberless instances in the abridgment of the Tower Records collected by Sir Robert
Cotton, and published by Mr. Prynne."
The following genealogical information traces the Ware line from 1125 to the present
(2004) for our particular ancestors. There are charts available to match each entry, so
hopefully those who are interested in a different branch of this same tree will be
able to find their own personal link. On each chart there will be a "***" mark beside the name of the descendant our
family follows. The small letter "c" that sometimes precedes a certain date
stands for the word "circa" which means "on or about."
According to John Burke, the following is the lineage for the early de la Warres
of England - starting with JORDAN de la WARRE.
1. JORDAN de la WARRE ( c1125 -
c1185) CHART
Married: ?
Had: Descending son John
2. SIR JOHN de la WARRE (c1155 - c1207) (named Lord de la Warre) CHART
Married: Joan Gresley about 1180
Had: Descending son Jordan
John was granted Wicken Manor by Prince John, the Earl of Gloucester, as reward for his
loyalty and bravery in 1185. This was in fulfillment of a promise made by King Richard.
After the de la Warres assumed ownership of Wicken Manor, it became known as Wickwar
Manor. In 1207, after Prince John became King of England, Sir John received ratification
of the grant for the title of Lordship of Bristolton,
Gloucestershire. In April 1205, John was given command of a flotilla of seven British
ships as shown by the British navy report. He was a member of the Honor of
Gloucestershire. His son, Jordan, became the next Lord de la Warre.
3. LORD JORDAN de la WARRE (c1185-c1231) CHART
Married: Isabel Peverel
Had: Descending son John
Jordan de la Warre became the next Lord of Bristolton. He
would have been about 30 years of age during the signing of the Magna Charta in 1215.
Documents show that he was paid two hundred pounds for livery of his lands.

4. SIR JOHN de la WARRE (1225-1277) CHART
Married: Olympia de Folkington
Had: Daughter Matilda and descending son Roger
John was knighted by King Henry III and was considered "a strong and courageous
knight." [ref.379] During the reign of Edward I, John was given the title of Sheriff of Herefordshire and was granted considerable lands in
southern midland and western counties of England for this service. (Click on Coat of Arms
to see larger picture)
5. ROGER de la WARRE (1255- June 20, 1320) CHART
Married: Clarice de Tregoze (born in 1260 & died about 1301)
Had: Roger, at least 2 daughters, and descending son John
Roger was the 1st Baron de la Warre, Lord of Isefield. He was
of Wickwar, Gloucestershire, Bristington, and Somerset. Roger was summoned to Parliament
in 1294, and was appointed Governor of Burgh Castle in 1298. **According to Walter Harris
who had access to the private records of Sir James Ware II, "the family of Ware
claims a descent from Roger de la Warre, Lord of Isefield, and a baron of parliament in
the reign of King Edward I. The founder of the house being Jordan de la Warre in the
county of Gloucester."
6. SIR JOHN de la WARRE (1277- 1347) CHART
Married: Joan de Grelle on Nov. 19, 1294
Had: Catherine, John, and descending son Robert
When John was 23 years of age, "he succeeded eventually to Harold Ewyas castle and
lordship, with a right to quarter the Tregoze arms (his mother's family name), as borne by
his ancestors." John was the 2nd Baron de la Warre, and
he was born in Brislington Somersetshire, England. In 1296, under Edward I, Sir John was
in the expedition made into Flanders; and the next year in the expedition in Scotland.
["In 1301, John inherited (on the death of his mother) a moiety of the property of
his grandfather, Baron John de Tregoze - to which barony he was then co-heir."]
Between 1301 and 1307, he was constantly engaged in the wars in Scotland during the last
years of the reign of King Edward I. In 1306 he was made Knight of
the Bath; and between August 1307 and February 1342 he was summoned to Parliament.
In 1340, under Edward III, he was involved in the great sea fight off Sluys. In 1342, he
was in the expedition to France, assisting in the siege of Nantes.
According to DeGidio, "I am of the opinion that the lineage to Christopher
Ware is descended through Robert, son of Sir John de la Warre and Joan de Grelle, possibly
acquiring his estate through his grandfather, Lord of Isefield, while the eldest son,
John, acquired the title of Lord de la Warre."
7. ROBERT la WARRE (c1300 - c1350) CHART
Married: Daughter & heir of Kentesbeere, Devonshire
Had: Descending son Matthew
Robert's wife's home is 3 miles east by north of Collumpton; a village sheltered by lofty
8. MATTHEW WARRE (c1325-1375) CHART
Married: Alice Denbauld
Had: Descending son John
"Matthew earned the title of Serviens ad Legem (Sergeant at
law) which indicates that he chose to practice law; an honorable and distinguished
English profession - possibly attending Oxford University. This title would have been
given under appointment by the Crown; a life office bestowed because of professional
attainments and worth of character." (DeGedio)
9. JOHN WARRE (c1350 - c1400) CHART
Married: Eleanor Meriet
Had: Descending son Richard
Eleanor was the daughter of John de Meriet and Eleanor Beauchamp of Hatch, Somersetshire,
England. Her father had many dealings with King Edward I.
10. RICHARD WARRE (c1370-1425) CHART
Married: Joan Atwood
Had: Descending son Richard
"Richard was from Hestercombe, Somerset, England - which is situated on the southern
slopes of the Quantock Hills with extensive views over the Vale of Taunton to the
Blackdown Hills beyond. It was first mentioned in an Anglo-Saxon charter of 854. From 1391
until 1872 the land was continuously owned by one family, the Warres." [ref.#379]
11. RICHARD WARRE (c1398-c1450) CHART
Married: Joan Combe
Had: Descending son Robert
Richard was of Hestercombe, Somerset, England. There is some evidence that he might have
had a second son named Richard, but Robert is the son from which we are descended.
12. ROBERT WARRE (c1415 - c1475) CHART
Married: Thomasine Chipley
Had: Descending son John
It is possible that Robert's wife spelled her name "Thomazin." She was the
daughter & heir of Thomas Chipley.
13. JOHN WARRE (c1450 - c1500) CHART
Married: Alice Gascoigne
Had: Richard and descending son John
John was of Chipley, Somerset, England. Alice was the daughter of William Gascoigne. After
Alice died, John remarried a woman by the name of Joan Mawbanke.
14. JOHN WARE (c1475 - c1525) CHART
Married: unknown
Had: Descending son John
John was of Chipley, Somerset, and Greenwich, Kent, England - [as shown in the 1634 Essex
Visitation carried out by the Heralds] [ref. 379]
15. JOHN WARE (c1510 - c1560) CHART
Married: Miss Whittington
Had: John & descending son Christopher
John was of Greenwich, Kent, England. He married the daughter & co-heir of Whittington
of com. Stafford. The Armorial Bearings of John are described as "Two gold lions
passant azure a bordure gules charged with eight escallops gold. The crest: A dragon's
head couped gold, pierced through the neck with a stake proper." The description of
John's Armorial Bearings are identical to those of his descendants John Ware & Mary
Owen Ware.
16. CHRISTOPHER WARE (1538 - 1610) CHART
Married: Miss Russell
Had: James and descending son John
Christopher was probably born in Kent, England and he died in Yorkshire, England.
According to Walter Harris, who had access to an old family diary & manuscripts,
"Christopher Ware descended from Roger de la Warre, Lord of Isefield, and he was an
early convert to the Protestant religion in the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth
(1558)." The Ware family had been Roman Catholic for generations. "According to
heresy laws, it was a religious and civil offense amounting to treason to believe in a
different religion from the Sovereign, and church attendance was mandatory."
Christopher's father (John) and mother were married under the rule of King Henry VIII (who
started out as Catholic but became Protestant in order to have his marriage to Catherine
of Aragon annulled; making it lawful for him to marry Anne Boleyn). This began the
Protestant Reformation. Christopher was born in 1538 - nine years before the death of King
Henry VIII; thus under Protestant rule. After King Henry's death, the throne went to his
son, Edward VI who was also fiercely Protestant. Christopher Ware was 15 years old and his
father was 43 when young King Edward died of tuberculosis in 1553. The throne then went to
Mary (daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon). SHE was fiercely Catholic, and in
the attempt to change England back to the Roman Catholic faith, she established the
nickname of "Bloody Mary" because of the hundreds of Protestants who were burned
at the stake for refusing to practice her religion. Upon Mary's death three years later,
the throne went to her half-sister Elizabeth (daughter of Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn)
who was a staunch Protestant. Consequently, John Ware and his wife and his children (i.e.
Christopher Ware) were now attending Protestant services again.
*** There have been some discrepancies at this point
in the line, for one source (many years ago) seemed to believe that our lineage continued
down through a son named Robert. He admitted to being unsure of some of his findings. As
Wanda DeGidio stated (and I concur), "You will note the absence of any reference to a
son Robert Ware who might be identified with an American emigrant of that time. This
absence would seem to indicate that W.M. Wilder was incorrect in his assertion that Sir
James (brother of Sir John) had a son named Robert. This fact is further born out by the
funeral certificate of Dame Mary Ware, the widow of Sir James Ware who died 3 December
1632. This certificate again lists her children and this listing is identical with
the details given at the funeral of her husband earlier in the same year." Later
funeral certificates of other family members validate this same premise of there being no
Robert Ware that came to America at this particular time. All subsequent and additional
records corroborate the information herein included.
There was also the assumption that our particular line descended from Sir James,
but the records bear out the fact that OUR line proceeds through Sir John - information
validated in large part by the well acknowledged and unquestioned existence of an ancestor
by the unusual name of Valentine Ware. (Even W. Wilders' charts bear affirmation to this
fact.) Further proof comes from the fact that our particular line in America comes
straight through a Peter Ware Sr. - son of John. James had no children named
Peter. Family letters, documents, & records leave no doubt as to our descending line
through Peter Sr. - I have listed many of these at the end of this paper. "From a
handwritten pedigree chart among the Crookshank papers in the British Genealogical Library
in London, it shows that Christopher Ware had TWO sons. The eldest son, John, settled in
County Cork, Ireland and married Mary Owen." It was Sir James I (Christopher's 2nd
son), however, who held the title of Auditor-General of Ireland & passed that title on
to his son, Sir James II.
17. SIR JOHN WARE (1565 - 1625) CHART
Married: Mary Owen
Had: John (1589), William (1591), Walter (1593), Mary
(1595), Sarah (1597), Russell (1599), Elizabeth (1603), James (1605), and descending son Peter
"The English have been in Ireland, both as peaceful settlers and conquerors, since
the 12th century, but it wasn't until the rule of King Henry VIII that English
interference took a major role." [ref.379] The King decided to send Protestants to
"plant" or colonize Ireland in order to subdue and rule the country.
Additionally, non-conforming Protestants often went to Ireland in order to worship as they
chose with minimal interference from the Anglican Church of England. "According to
the History of Bandon, in 1585 a group of well-to-do men from Somersetshire County,
England were granted acreage on the condition they bring over settlers to work the land.
The name "Ware" was among the first group, as they had been early converts to
the Protestant religion. This is most likely the date John Ware arrived in Ireland,
followed later by his younger brother James." From a handwritten pedigree chart among
the Crookshank papers in the British Genealogical Library in London, it shows Christopher
Ware had two sons. The eldest son, John, settled in County Cork, Ireland and married Mary
Owen. Their descendants were known as the Wares of Woodfort; Woodford Manor being located
in the Parish of Kilshanick, Barony of Duhallow and County of Cork." John's wife,
Mary Owen, was from one of the most powerful and ancient families of South Pembrokeshire,
Wales - known as the Owen family of Orielton. Her mother (Isabella Griffith) was the
daughter of Sir William Griffith of Penrhyn; a branch of the Tudor family. [ref.
379, 390]
18. PETER WARE SR. (1608 - 1650) CHART
Married: Mary Hickes (1599 - 1659)
Had: Thomas, Nicholas, John, Elizabeth, 2 children who died
young, Edward, and descending son Peter Jr.
In 1636, Peter sold his Munster leases (probably obtained through his father, John) in
County Cork, Ireland and left for England and then Virginia.
[** Interesting point - "In 1641, just 5 years after
Peter and his family left Ireland, the Irish were intent on the murder of the whole
Protestant population and up to 10,000 English Protestant plantation holders were
massacred."] [ref. 379] Between 1646 and 1648, Peter Ware is mentioned
as an attorney appraising estates in York Co., Hampton Parish. In 1651, Gloucester County
was formed from York County and divided into 4 parishes: Abington, Kingston, Petsworth,
and Ware. The King decreed that all newly settled land be divided into
districts headed by a rector. The Wares were Vestrymen in Abington and Ware Parish before
the formation of the county. [ref.388] There still exists today the Ware Episcopal Church which was originally built in 1690.
Regular services are still held there. [ref. 70] "Documents show that
Peter Ware Sr. owned and lived on 300 acres at Queen's Creek, York Co. Hampton Parish in
the Virginia colony by September 4, 1646." [ref. 4] Peter Ware Sr. was
obviously well educated; based on the fact that he served as an attorney in 1647 for
Robert Lewis. He & Mary lived in an area that is near Ware Creek.
19. PETER WARE JR. (1632 -
bet.1675 & May 23,1693) CHART
Married: Jane Valentine
Had: Descending son Valentine
After selling land that his father left him in Queen's Creek in 1675, Peter purchased land
next to his brother in New Kent County, Virginia. "A deed is on record in York County
showing that Peter Ware Jr. sold land given him by his father (Peter Ware Sr.) on May 26,
1675 to Nathaniel Bacon; 1st cousin to the Nathaniel Bacon of Revolutionary War
fame." [ref. 4, 333]
- c. 1731) CHART
Married: Mary Leigh
Had: Valentine Jr., John, Nicholas, Robert, and descending
son Edward
There are at least 3 major sources that state that Valentine Ware was heir to his father,
Peter Ware Jr. & mother Jane Valentine. After Valentine's death, his wife Mary &
her sons-in-law obtained two patents in King and Queen County; one for 600 acres and the
other for 260 acres. His son, Valentine Jr., married Mary Dudley in King & Queen Co.,
Virginia. [ref. 4,173,333,391] ** Interesting
note: Valentine's father-in-law was Col. William Leigh who had been a chairman for the
House of Burgesses, Militia Commander-in-Chief, member of the Virginia Council, and first
Judge of the Admiralty Court in Virginia. William Leigh's granddaughter, Elizabeth, (by
his son John) married Zachary Taylor and was the grandmother of President Zachary Taylor.
[ref. 4]
21. EDWARD WARE (1691 - 1732) was married in 1713 CHART
Married: Elizabeth Garrett of Henrico Co.
Had: Thomas, Valentine, Nicholas, Robert, and descending
son James I
Edward was of Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen County, Virginia - grandson of Peter
& Jane (Valentine) Ware. On April 28, 1692, "there were 2,015 acres of land that
were patented to Edward Ware in King and Queen County, of which 735 acres were held by
Edward and 480 acres by his brother Valentine Jr. in 1704." All three brothers (John,
Edward, and Valentine Jr.) served as vestrymen of Stratton Major Church between 1729 and
1739. "Edward served in the French and Indian Wars from Old Albermarl in 1755"
according to an affidavit of Alexander Brown, Esq. [ref. 4, 162, 173, 372, 388, 390]
***** The following information added
In 2009, I endeavored to write the biography of
James Ware I and his wife, Agnes Todd Ware. In preparation for doing
this, I had previously spent over 30 years transcribing and researching old
documents and family letters that had been passed down to me from my husband’s
parents. Since ‘firsthand’ information from 1714 is not that common, most
of the papers I had in my possession pertained more to the son of James
and Agnes – James Ware II. (It is through this son that our family line
descends.) There was enough there, however, to warrant an attempt at
‘fleshing out’ the history of James and Agnes. I titled my first work New
Nation/New Home, and in 2011, I completed a second book, Virginia Roots
in Kentucky Soil, which chronicled the life of James II. Little did I
know, at the time, that the research I did for the second book would show
clearly that I had just “scratched the surface” with James I.
With genealogy
websites so accessible these days and interest in this field prolific, there
was suddenly a plethora of new bibles and documents that fellow researchers
decided to post and share. I realized quickly that my first feeble
attempt at a history for James and Agnes was now obsolete and desperately in
need of a literary facelift. Consequently, I spent another two years
revising New Nation/New Home so that I (hopefully) did better justice to
the remarkable man who headed the Ware family during the years this nation was
formed. I was thrilled beyond measure at the information that became
available suddenly.
is always
the case with genealogy, I know that the minute I put the last period
on the
last sentence of this book, it will (once again) become outdated.
New information emerges every day, and there are attics that have yet
to be explored
that hold treasures of information. That is both the satisfaction
and the
frustration of the field in which we genealogists thrive. Our
work is
never done.
With that being
said, I humbly offered the new version of New Nation/New Home with the sincere
hope that it would be a tool for others to use on their own personal journey of
tracing their roots. The many letters of gratitude and academic
validations for my work made all the years of hard work so very worth it.
I have since published other
books and my thirst for the details in genealogy have kept me fascinated.
The authentic, old documents I so painstakingly transcribed opened up so many
avenues for future writing that I fear I may run out of time to do justice to
them all.
Consequently, therefore, I have poured my efforts into the time
periods where I knew I had absolute proof for my work. With that being
said, I did not have much I could offer on the generations BEFORE James and
Agnes. I relied on the excellent work of other researchers (as I have
previously mentioned) to provide me a ‘foundation’ from which to work - knowing
that certain family names that were unique had appeared often in documents from
earlier relatives. The one link that has continued to elude me is the father
of James Ware I. There are so many differing opinions and I own no
document that can prove who it was. There are speculations from
other family researchers which you can see in an article posted below.
With that being said, I feel very confident with my work from 1714 to the
present day and I ask the reader to understand that this has been a labor of
love, and any mistakes or omissions are the result of simply working with what
I had available to me at the time. ***** End of 2022 information
22. JAMES WARE I (Nov.15, 1714 -
1796) CHART
Married: Agnes Todd
Had: John, Nicholas, Richard, Clara, William, Edmund, and
descending son James II
James Ware I was born in Gloucester County, Virginia but he relocated to Kentucky where he
died in Franklin County. He was almost 81 years old at the time. His will, in which he
mentions his daughter Clara (called Clary), was proved in Franklin County.
23. JAMES WARE II (March 13,
1741 - May 7th, 1820) CHART
Married: Catherine Todd - (full name of Virginia Catherine Todd)
Had: Thompson, Mary Todd (sometimes called Polly), Lucy, Charles, Catherine, George, and
descending son James III.
James II married Catherine (whose nickname was Caty) in 1764. Even family records state
the obvious fact that she was only 14 years old! [ref.4] She was the
daughter of Dr. James Todd of Gloucester, Virginia. James was a doctor, and (prior to
1791) he practiced medicine in Caroline County, Virginia. He was said to be "one of
the finest looking men to be found anywhere." [ref.3] In 1771, he
moved to Frederick County where there is a deed still in existence which conveyed to him
½ an acre of land in Winchester in 1781. In 1791, Dr. Ware traveled with his family to
Kentucky (accompanied by the Webb family). "He had previously sent out an overseer
with negroes to clear ground and make a settlement on the place where he subsequently
lived and died. He had visited Kentucky in the fall of 1784 and remained there over the
winter. People lived in "stations" at that time - probably (like a stockade) in
defense from the Indians." [ref 2, 6] In 1789 he visited again; this
time leaving his sons Thompson and James III there. Through the friendship of Gen. Daniel
Morgan, his son James obtained an introduction to General S. Smith of Baltimore which led
to working in Louisville. In another letter it is stated that "he was most successful
and laid the foundation of his fortune." [ref.5] In 1791, James III
decided to return to Virginia because of his health, but the rest of the entire family
made their migration to Kentucky. "This long and dangerous trip was made in wagons and by horse back, with all their
negroes and what possessions that could be carried. They feared the Indians, but were most
fortunate in not meeting any. It is not stated just how long it took, but they arrived on
June 16, 1791." [ref. 334] Consequently, by the year 1791, all the
Wares [with the exception of James III, our descendant] were now living in Kentucky. Each
child married there and (over the years), letters from James III & his children were
exchanged with all the aunts, uncles, & cousins in Kentucky. These letters provide a
wealth of information about them all. It is through James Ware II that we find the
connection between our family and President Rutherford B. Hayes; as he was Lucy Ware
Haye's great grandfather. Josiah William Ware was her cousin. [ref. 27, 56, 386]

24. JAMES WARE III (January 13,
1771 - September 13, 1821) CHART
Married: (1) Elizabeth Taliaferro Alexander & (2)
Harriet Taylor CHART
Had: Sarah Elizabeth Taliaferro, Charles Alexander, and
descending son Josiah William also children with his 2nd wife.

James III and Elizabeth were married on Nov. 10, 1796. James had previously traveled to
Kentucky with his father in 1789 and worked there until 1791. He then returned to Virginia for health reasons &
settled in Frederick Co., Virginia - later to be renamed Clarke County. He built a lovely
home called "Riverside" (which was located directly across from the Shenandoah
River) and he also owned a tavern and a mill in the area. When Elizabeth died in 1806,
James remarried. He and his 2nd wife, Harriet Taylor, had 6 more children together, but
only one daughter lived long enough to marry. They had James (who died at age 18 on board
the ship "Herald" bound for Charlestown, South Carolina), Bushrod Thomas (who
died at age 7), Thomas Marshall {called Marshall} who died at age 20, Harriet Mary Todd
{called Mary} who died at age 12, Elizabeth Alexander who died at only 14 months, and Lucy
Catherine - the child who survived. [She married Dr. William D. McGuire.] All of this information is given in detail in the antique Ware Family
bible that is owned by Jim & Judy Ware as of 2004. This bible dates back to the mid
1700's. [ref.1]
25. JOSIAH WILLIAM WARE (AUG. 19, 1802 - Aug 13, 1883) CHART
Married: (1) Frances Toy Glassell & (2) Edmonia
Jaquelin Smith CHART
Had: James (died at 8 months), John Glassell, Elizabeth
Alexander, Charles Alexander, Lucy Balmain, and descending son, James Alexander.
Josiah married Frances Toy Glassell on Feb. 22, 1827. They met after she had traveled to
Winchester to attend school there. {We own the small trunk she used to transport her
belongings} Around the time of their marriage, Josiah built the plantation called
"Springfield Farm" on land he inherited from his mother. Springfield is still in
existence today; although not owned by the Wares. After Frances died on May 10, 1842,
Josiah married again - this time to a distant cousin. He and Edmonia Jaquelin Smith were
wed on Jan. 30, 1845 at her family home called Smithfield. They also had several children
together: Jaquelin Smith Ware, Josiah Ware (died at 4 months), Sigismund Ware (died at 7
months), Sigismund Stribling Ware, Josiah
William Ware, and Robert Macky Ware. Josiah
was a wealthy landowner in Clarke County, Virginia and he was instrumental in changing
Frederick County into Clarke County. He served as a Colonel during the Civil War, and was
(at one point) imprisoned by the Yankees at Old Capitol Prison in Washington. He was known
for his exceptional agricultural contributions to the country. A much more detailed
history on Josiah is available through the family history I'm currently writing. [ref.
2, 44, 84, 251]

26. The Honorable JAMES ALEXANDER WARE (NOV. 26, 1832 - Aug.
19, 1896) CHART
Married: Jane Morton Smith
Had: Frances Glassell, Eudora Murray, and descending son Somerville
The Honorable James Ware graduated from the University of Virginia in 1851. He moved to
Texas in 1855/1856 & practiced law in Corpus Christi. He and Jane Morton Smith were
married on Nov. 26, 1856. When the Civil War broke out, he stayed in Corpus Christi serving as an officer
in Yager's regiment - fighting for the Confederacy. He was Captain of the Mounted Rangers
at the siege of Corpus Christi & at Sabine Pass. He also served in Louisiana -
"repelling the invasions of General Banks." [ref. 222] After the
war, he went to Mexico where he spent the next five years
working as a civil engineer for the railroad. He was appointed Military Engineer in the
Army of Maximilian. He later returned to Texas and his love of law; where his practice
extended from San Antonio to the Rio Grande River. In 1873 he was elected District Judge;
serving with distinction. He spent his last years living in the Confederate Home in
Austin, Texas. [ref. 8, 40]

27. SOMERVILLE WARE (Mar. 1, 1861 - June 10, 1921) CHART
Married: Ora Lena Rogers
Had: Charles Somerville, Sarah Frances, and descending son,
James Nathan
Somerville was named for his maternal grandmother (Julia Somerville Smith) who was Jane
Morton's mother. He married Ora Lena Rogers (who was called Lena) on Dec.19, 1901. There
was an 18 year age difference between them. [ref. 355] He worked in the
Murray & Ware book trade in Belton, Texas - where he was in partnership with his
cousin, Andrew Murray. [ref. 79, 80] He later worked for many years as
agent for the Santa Fe railroad in Killeen. He was working for the railroad in Santa Anna
when he died suddenly of a heart attack.
28. JAMES NATHAN WARE ( Sept. 2, 1915 - May 11, 2000) CHART
Married: Elizabeth Carolyn Halm
Had: Elizabeth Carolyn (Betsy), & descending son, James
James Nathan was known as Jimmy Ware. He was born in The Grove, Texas - in the very house
they lived in at the farm. He attended law school at St. Mary's University in San Antonio,
Texas. He and Elizabeth Halm married on October 18, 1941. During World War II, he served
in the Air Corp as a bombardier navigator with the B-29's. He flew missions in the China,
Burma, India area, and in other regions such as Guam, Sampan, & Taipei. After the war,
he returned to Austin where he practiced law & served as Assistant District Attorney.
He also worked for a time with the Guaranty Finance Company in Austin. [ref. 79,
198, 365]
The vast majority of the information on the Ware name prior to the 1700's is
credited to the outstanding research by Wanda Ware DeGidio. She obviously has spent
countless hours and years on her work. I have listed below some of the sources that she,
herself, listed in her findings, and it is with great pleasure that I can attest that my
own references (listed separately) not only validate her findings, but substantiate them.
In dealing with genealogy, there are often so many theories and suppositions that can only
be guessed at. It is always rewarding to find information that ties it all together.
1. Wanda Ware DeGidio - Ware Family History
2. History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster by: Edward
3. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great
Britain & Ireland by: John Burke, Vol.IV
4. Tower Records collected by: Sir Robert Cotton & published by
Mr. Prynne
5. Walter Harris - had access to private records of Sir James Ware II
6. The Topographer and Genealogist Vol. II 1853
7. Knights of Edward I, Vol.V, Soc. Series Vol. 84
8. "Chandos Herald: life of the Black Prince"
9. Burk's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry by:
Sir Bernard Burke
10. History of Bandon - Chapter XXII
11. Handwritten Pedigree Chart among the Crookshank papers in the
British Genealogical Library in London
12. A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by: Samuel Lewis 1837
13. The Whole Works of Sir James Ware Dublin, 1739-64 3 volumes London, 1705
14. O'Kief, Coshe Mang, Slieve Lougher, and the Upper Blackwater in
Ireland by: Albert E. Casey, M.D. Published & bound privately
Vol. 5
15. York Co. Abstracts, Vol. 25 Colonial Abstracts, Vol. 6
16. Williamsburg Historical Research Center Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial
Abstract 25 "York County"
17. Virginia Record 1659-1662 Virginia State Library Archives
18. Virginia Genealogies (under Glassell Family excursus)
19. York County Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 1
20. Abstracts of King and Queen County Beverly Fleet
21. The Hoskins of Virginia & Related Families
22. Family Records of Mary Simpson - Virginia State Library Archives
23. Pedigree Chart from Elton L. Wilcott, submitted by Wanda Degidio
These are my own personal references:
The Ware Family Bible - This is kept in my home and has dates and names
recorded in it that go all the way back to the 1700's. It contains long lists of births,
deaths, and marriages.
Original long letter of Cornelia Ware Anker (1945) - This letter is a
goldmine of first-hand intimate family facts & remembrances. Cornelia was the daughter
of Sigismund Stribling Ware (son of JOSIAH William Ware). She had personally transcribed
some family letters (written between 1799 and 1831) that had been passed on to her, and
then added to that her own memories and recollections of family history. Many of the old
letters that she transcribed contained detailed information on family ancestors.
Long print out of Ware lineage - This handwritten chart pertains mainly to
Ware information prior to Josiah Ware. This paper was contributed by Mrs. Lewis B. Burton
- the wife of the Bishop of Kentucky; a descendant of Jane Ware. Mrs. Burton took this
information from old records & bibles that were in the possession of Mrs. Jane Ware
Martin of Columbia, Georgia (a granddaughter of Nicholas Ware, of Georgia). This
compilation of information has been in our family for years, so I have no idea when she
did this work.
Wares of Virginia by: Frances C. Griffin (as collected from Virginia
Genealogies by H.E. Hayden) This is a compilation of information that Frances
Griffin obtained from the book "Virginia Genealogies" and mailed to me.
VIRGINIA GENEALOGIES: A genealogy of the Glassell Family of Scotland and
Virginia by: Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, M. A. (It is also a history of the Ball,
Brown, Bryan, Conway, Daniel, Ewell, Holladay, Lewis, Littlepage, Moncure, Peyton,
Robinson, Scott, Taylor, and Wallace families.) Printed in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania in
1891 - copyrighted 1885.
Eulogy (obituary) written for Judge James Alexander Ware - author unknown.
Newspaper obituary (and eulogy) for Jaquelin S. Ware. He was the son of
JOSIAH and brother of James Alexander Ware. The newspaper was published in Berryville.
Microfilm copy of the obituary of JOSIAH William Ware.
Proceedings of the Clarke County Historical Association Volume XXIII 1983-1984
With Clarke County - A Daughter of Frederick by: Rose M.E. MacDonald, copyright
1985 by the Clarke County Historical Association, printed by Commercial Press; Stephens
City, Virginia 22655. Pages 33 & 39
Letter from Lucy Webb to her niece, Sarah (Sally) Elizabeth
Taliaferro Stribling and her nephew, JOSIAH William Ware - - written June 5 (possibly
1830's). At this
point, Berryville was still called Battletown. This letter contains MUCH valuable
information of the Ware family members that settled in Kentucky.
Original handwritten lineage page - author unknown.
CHART- Ware Family History taken from page 392½ for the 1960 Edition of the Wilder
& ConnectingFamilies in the Southeastern United States by: William M.
Excerpts of WARE genealogical information from the 1960 Edition of the Wilder
& Connecting Families in the Southeastern United States by: William M. Wilder.
Family Record - This was sent to Sarah Ware in 1962 (unknown sender) Sarah had
obviously requested a copy of family Bible entries.
Microfilmed Genealogy chart of the Ware Family
Map of Parish Lines and Colonial Churches - Shows "Ware"
Birth certificate for Sarah Francis Ware - July 14, 1904
WARE - What is in your name? - article showing Ware coat-of-arms &
going back to Sir James. Sanson Institute, 1969
Birth Certificate for James Halm Ware
WARE ANCESTORS by: Frank Fremont Reed, Chicago; 1987. (Copy given to
me by Martha Ware in 1998) Book 8, Chapter 1
Handwritten list of burial sites for Ware family members; Lot 51 of Grace
Episcopal Church Cemetery - Berryville, Virginia
Handwritten lineage chart from unknown source - showing the line from Peter
Ware through Robert Macky Ware (youngest son of Josiah & Edmonia)
Obituary for Somerville Ware
Birth Certificate of James Nathan Ware
Birth Certificate of Elizabeth Carolyn Halm
WARE COAT-OF-ARMS - printed from
the Historical Research Center 1991
Birth registration for Judith Ann Cumbea
Ancestral chart; mailed from the Rutherford B. Hayes Library in Fremont,
Article entitled "The Nook" from Proceedings of the Clarke County
Historical Association; Volume XXIII 1983-1984, copyright 1985, by the Clarke
County Historical
Association, printed by Commercial Press, Stephens City, Virginia
Pages copied from The Vestry Book of Petsworth Parish - (1677-1793)
Detailed personal and biographical information (with charts) on the WARE
lineage; given to me by the Hayes Presidential Center
Information on Morgan and Elizabeth Alexander; taken from: The
Proceedings of the Clarke County Historical Association; Volume XXIII 1983-1984,
copyright 1985 by the Clarke County Historical Association, printed by Commercial Press,
Stephens City, Virginia 22655
Edward Snickers, Yeoman by: Ingrid Jewell Jones.
Clarke County Historical Association pages (loose) showing marriage dates (1790 -
D.A.R. form for Children of the American Revolution - completed and filed for
Sarah Ware
Clarke County Historical Association, Volume IX Information on James
Ware - time frame of 1772
Transcription of tape I made on Berryville trip in January of 2002;
information found on tombstones at Grace Episcopal Church
Clarke County Historical Association; Vol. VII
Clarke County Historical Association; BERRY'S FERRY - Early
information on James Ware (circa 1772)
The World Book Encyclopedia, Volumes 4 and 17, Field Enterprises, Inc.,
Proceedings of the Clarke Country Historical Association; The History of
Millwood Mill, (1782-1785) Millwood, Virginia Volume XVI 1969-1970 Wonderful
resource for James Ware - also his property by Chapel Road.
VIRGINIA GENEALOGIES: A genealogy of the Glassell Family of Scotland and
Virginia by: Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, M. A. (Specifically information on
Valentine, Peter, and James Ware, printed in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania in 1891 -
copyrighted 1885
Old Jube: Excerpts from the biography of General Early by: Millard
Kessler Bushong, Ph.D. White Mane Publishing Company, Inc.
Last Will and Testament of James Ware I Dated: September 25, 1790
Excerpts from Paso Del Aguila: A Chronicle of Frontier Days on the Texas Border
by: Jesse Sumpter
I have (at present) 3,745 references, but the ones listed above are the main ones used in
this piece.
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