Original page 11
It was about night, so in order to save my horse from being confiscated, and
also to save the coffee, I dropped out.
Just here the road forked and I took the wrong road.
Taken from Newspaper:
Handsome Sword for a Gallant officer. -- We saw yesterday a very handsome and
serviceable cavalry sword recently presented to Lieut. Col. Robert A. Caskie, by
the officers and men of his old company, the Caskie Rangers. On the front of the
blade are the words:
"Presented to Col. Caskie by the officers and men of the Caskie Rangers;" on the
reverse, the motto, "Audaces Fortuna Juvat."
Elizabeth (Aunt Lib) Smith Tousey was a younger sister of Edmonia’s. She first married John Bush of
Kentucky and then later wed Oliver Tousey of Indianapolis. Oliver was in business with Norman S.
Byram - - their store was known as the “Tousey and Byram Dry Goods Store”.
Seminary Class with both Sigismund (2nd
from left) and Josiah (third in from
the right) on the back row.
Virginia Theological Seminary
** Little Edmonia J. Ware was born in 1889 but only lived nine months. She was buried in Grace Episcopal
Church Cemetery. A son, named Edward
Jaquelin, was born in 1892. He lived
four short years and died on November 3, 1896.
He was buried in St. Peter’s Churchyard – the church Rev. Sigismund
Stribling Ware was serving in as Rector at the time.
Graves for baby Edmonia Ware and young Edward Jaquelin Ware
The following are all excerpts from
Biography of Sigismund Stribling Ware written by Judy C. Ware. For many more details, please refer
to this biography on
www.waregenealogy.com “Cornelia W. Anker wrote, ‘Father had three charges – Halifax County, Hamilton, & Port Royal, where he moved when I was a baby.’ (Ref. 2) Indeed, in 1888, Reverend and Mrs. Ware moved to Port Royal, Virginia, where ‘The Rev. Sigismund (Sidge) Stribling Ware became Rector of St. Peter’s church and of Grace Church, October 15, 1888; he resigned the latter church after 15 years, June 26, 1903, and resigned from St. Peter’s Church after 30 years, October 15, 1918.’” (Ref. 2384)
St. Peter’s Rectory
“In 1914,
Lizzie [Cornelia’s mother]
died ‘after a long and painful illness.’
(Ref. 161)
According to author Ralph Emmett Fall, Lizzie ‘was buried in St. Peter’s Churchyard
beside their son who died in 1896.
Much of the present shrubbery at the Rectory, including the large mock-orange
tree in the driveway was planted by Mrs. Ware during the 26 years she occupied
the Rectory. Her husband and
daughter lived there another four years.’
(Ref. 2384)
A year after the death of his wife, Sig went back to Berryville to visit his
stepsister, Elizabeth. She observed: ‘Your Uncle Sig . . . lost his boy and it
was a terrible blow to him. He has
only one child – a grown and very attractive girl, but he
looks like an old man.’”
(Ref. 161)
Sigismund took losing his wife very hard.”
Rev. Sigismund Stribling Ware and
“The author of Hidden Village – Port Royal,
Virginia 1744-1981 wrote the following about Reverend Sigismund Ware: ‘Fifty years later, citizens both black and white still remembered Ware with
affection. A photograph of Ware is
seen in the church’s sacristy. The credence shelf in the church sanctuary holds
a brass tablet as a memorial to Ware.’”
(Ref. 2384)
(Credence Shelf – used for holding articles
in the Eucharist service)
Photo courtesy of Ben Hicks
In 2013, Ben Hicks (husband of the current Rector of St. Peter’s) contacted me
concerning a diary that had surfaced that was written by Sig during his years
there. Ben worked very hard on a
beautiful tribute that was given by the church on Founder’s Day of that year. It was a lovely celebration of the
life and service of Reverend Ware in their church. The sermon used and the events of the
day can be found in Diary and Tribute to Rev. Sigismund Stribling Ware
also found on my website at
Sigismund and Jo were very close brothers.
Of the second set of Josiah’s children, they were the closest in age –
“since Jaque was a full five years older
than Sig, and Robert (the baby of the family) was six years younger. With only a two-year difference
between them, these brothers were inseparable. This special closeness was only
enhanced by the Civil War which found Jaque going off to serve in the military,
and Sig suddenly the ‘man of the house’ when his father was away. One can only imagine how life must
have changed for these two young boys during those horrible years of conflict.”
(Ref. Biography of Sigismund Stribling Ware by Judy C. Ware)
Rev. Josiah Ware
The brothers both attended seminary at the same time and the years often found
them, not only serving in their respective churches, but sitting on committees
together and even attending school reunions.
This article mentions all three of the Ware brothers.
From 1878 until 1880, Rev. Jo Ware worked in Hungar’s Parish, a place rich in
history and tradition.
(Ref. 2392) The two churches that fell in
his parish, Hungar’s Church and Christ Church in Eastville, had served the
people of the Eastern Shore of Virginia since 1623.
On October 22, 1879, at Christ Church, Rev. Josiah
Ware married Ann Wise Stratton Nottingham.
The wedding ceremony was especially memorable for him because his
brother, Rev. Sigismund Stribling Ware, performed the ceremony.
(Ref. 2394)
Wedding announcement
Rev. Jo Ware served in many churches and for a more detailed
history of him, the reader can go to
www.waregenealogy.com and read the section on him in Ware Connection to
Grace Episcopal Church written by Judy C. Ware.
One of his last
charges was in St. Mark’s Parish in Culpeper County, Virginia. In 1903, Jo began his ministry at St.
Stephen’s Episcopal Church there.
(Ref. 2392, 2414)
In 1912, Annie and Jo’s own daughter, Jaquelin Ware, would marry in the same
Stephen’s Episcopal Church in St. Mark’s Parish in Culpeper, VA
Jo and Anne enjoyed a close marriage as can be
attested to by an excerpt from his memoir.
He wrote in 1924, “Again, I
gratefully record my thanks for the wife, who in God’s goodness has blest my
life for so many years. Great is His
mercy in sparing her life so long, not only to enrich my life, but also those of
our children. Gifted intellectually
with a character which has been enriched by a noble charity for the faults of
others, generous in her judgments, liberal in the use of limited means, she is
an inspiration to her husband and children.”
(Ref. 84)
After his retirement,
“he and Aunt Annie bought a home in
Orange, Virginia where they lived just across the street from their daughter
(Ref. 2, 3)
Anne passed away first in 1938, and Josiah died about four years later on
November 15, 1942.
(Ref. 3)
They were both
buried in Graham Cemetery in Orange, Virginia.
This site maintained by John Reagan and last updated |