Part 5 of Ware Connection to Grace Episcopal Church
Lucy Balmain Ware (Lewis) and Connection to Washington Family
The only other child from the union of Josiah and Frances Toy Glassell Ware was
another daughter – this one named
Lucy Balmain Ware. She was named after the Episcopal
minister, Reverend Alexander Balmain, who was married to her Great Aunt Lucy
Taylor in 1786. Lucy B. Ware was
born on January, 10, 1839, and when, at
the age of 20, she married Edward Parke Custis Lewis on March 23, 1858, she
became a member of the illustrious family of George Washington.
Lucy Balmain Ware and Edward
Parke Custis Lewis
photos owned by James & Judy Ware
Edward was the son of Lorenzo and Esther Maria Coxe Lewis and the grandson of
Nelly Custis Lewis; granddaughter and adopted child of Martha and President
George Washington.

2383) Col.
Fielding Lewis and Nelly Custis Lewis,
Paternal great grandfather and maternal grandmother of E.P.C. Lewis
Edward Parke Custis Lewis was related to President George Washington not only on
his maternal side, through his grandmother Nelly, but also on his paternal side,
through his great grandfather, Col. Fielding Lewis. Col. Lewis married Betty Washington,
the only sister of George. It was
their son, Lawrence Lewis, who married Nelly Custis.
“It may be stated without qualification, however, that Lawrence Lewis was closer to
George and Martha Washington than any other of their relatives.”
(Ref. 2383)
Edward and Lucy Balmain Ware were married at the home of the bride’s father,
Josiah William Ware. At the time of
their wedding, they were presented with their marriage license tucked inside a
beautiful little book entitled “Advice for the Married Couple.”
Reverend Henderson Suter of Grace Episcopal Church officiated at the service.
*** It is interesting to note that during the
Civil War, “Rev. Suter had a school in the
vestry-room of the Episcopal Church.”
(Ref. 2391)

Book and license owned by James and Judy Ware
The newlyweds made their home at ‘Audley’ - the home of Edward’s
parents, Lorenzo and Maria
Lewis. Lorenzo had died in 1847, but
Maria still resided there and happily welcomed her son and new daughter-in-law.

Audley Photo courtesy of James & Judy Ware

Audley was a warm and inviting home.
“Nestled in the quiet, meandering valley of the beautiful Shenandoah River under the
shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Clarke County, Virginia, the unpretentious
house was low and sprawling with a large front porch.”
(Ref. 580)
Even Grandmother Nelly, owner of lovely Woodlawn Plantation where she and her
husband lived after the death of George and Martha, loved to visit there. She
found great peace in the surroundings and “although far more isolated than Woodlawn, Nelly never complained that she felt
lonely at Audley.”
(Ref. 580)
So much did she feel at home there that “after
the death of Lawrence Lewis, Nelly moved to Audley where her son Lorenzo Lewis
had been living and where she resided until her death on July 15, 1852.
(Ref. 2397)
Southeast bedroom of Nelly Custis Lewis
original furniture –
historical marker
Nelly and Lawrence Lewis
“The room in which Nelly Custis Lewis died
is on the right, near the entrance.”
(Ref. 2397)
family photo of Audley

Lucy Ware had, indeed, married into a family whose
name was well known, not only in Virginia, but the whole country. Her in-laws, who married in 1827,
were a loving couple. Lorenzo was a
dashing man and his wife, who preferred to be known as Maria, was equally
Lorenzo Lewis and
Esther Maria Coxe
They had six children, so Edward grew up with many siblings to play with. Almost all members of this branch of
the Lewis family tree are buried in Grace Episcopal Cemetery, on the west side
of the church.

Cemetery – Section where many members of the Washington family are buried
However, Edward’s oldest brother, George Washington Lewis, was buried in Green
Hill Cemetery instead of Grace Churchyard.

Grave of
George Washington Lewis in Green Hill Cemetery
George married Emily Contee Johnson in 1852 and they had 14 children. Most of them were born at their home
called Monterey, which had been part of the original large Audley tract.

(Ref. 2127)
The beautiful cross that sits above the altar in Grace Episcopal Church is a
loving tribute to George and (at least) two of these children.
courtesy of James and Judy Ware, 1998
“In memory of G.W. Lewis, M. B. Lewis, Lorenzo Lewis”
The inscription can be found on the cone shaped base of the cross:
courtesy of James and Judy Ware,

“In memory of G.W. Lewis, M. B. Lewis, Lorenzo Lewis”
Clearly, the G. W. Lewis represents George Washington Lewis himself, the M. B. Lewis is
for his daughter, Mary Bowie Lewis, and George’s firstborn son was named Lorenzo
There is also a beautiful stained glass window in the church dedicated to George
and Emily’s daughter, Mary Bowie Lewis.
She was born on July 17, 1855, and died on Easter day, the 25th of April
in 1886. “She died unmarried, of typhoid fever, at
the home of her sister.”
(Ref. 2383)
The window is located in the church baptistry.
Dedication to the window for Mary B. Lewis – photo taken by James & Judy Ware


Edward’s next oldest brothers, “Lawrence
Fielding Lewis and John Redman Coxe Lewis
were twins; both born on April 18, 1834.”
(Ref. 2383) Lawrence died unmarried just two
years before Lucy and Edward wed. He
was only 23 at the time of his death.
His grave is near one of the walls in the cemetery.

of Lawrence Fielding Lewis – courtesy of James and Judy Ware
The twin of Lawrence and other brother to Edward, John Redman Coxe Lewis,
“became an officer in the U.S. Navy at an
early age, and was with Perry in 1853 in the expedition which opened Japanese
ports to foreign vessels. In 1861 he
resigned from the Navy and entered the Confederate service as a major of
(Ref. 2383)
was later promoted to the rank of
Colonel. In 1863, he married Maria
Bradfute Freeland, and they “made their
home at “Buena Vista,” a part of the original Audley estate which he inherited.”
(Ref. 2383) The couple had several children, and
the photo below is of him with his first son, Lawrence Fielding Lewis; named
after Grandfather Lewis.

Redman Coxe Lewis, holding his son, Lawrence Fielding Lewis
photo owned by James & Judy Ware


John R.C. Lewis

Edward Parke Custis Lewis also had two younger brothers.
Charles Conrad Lewis, born Sept. 23, 1848, was over ten years his junior.
He died at a very young age (20) while attending
the University of Virginia.

Grave of
Charles Conrad Lewis
Photo owned by James & Judy Ware
MARCH 7TH, 1859

The last sibling for Edward was named
Henry Llewellyn Daingerfield Lewis.
Maria was
38 years old at the time of his birth.
“He was a planter and business man
on a large scale, and in business life was known simply as H. L. D. Lewis.”
(Ref. 2383)
He must have gone by the nickname of “Dainger” to family
members though because Lucy referred to him as such in a letter written in 1864.
“John Lewis, I suppose you know, is married. He has, as I have heard from
disinterested judges, a lovely young wife in Richmond. Dainger is with him in Mobile . . . .
G. Washington (Lewis) is at home trying to make bread to put in seven
little mouths. He lost a child last
(Ref. 15)

Portion of a letter written by Lucy Balmain Ware Lewis in 1864,
owned by James and Judy Ware

Henry Llewellyn Daingerfield Lewis
owned by James & Judy Ware
Llewellyn Daingerfield Lewis married
Carter Penn Freeland on April 26, 1871.
She was the sister of Maria Freeland, wife of Henry’s older brother,
John. The couple provided 12 nieces
and nephews for Lucy and Edward. The
cemetery section on the west side of the church is filled with memorials to most
of these children. Among them you
can find the following names: Rosalie Warwick Lewis, Lorenzo Conrad Lewis, James
Freeland Lewis, Henry Llewellyn Daingerfield Lewis, Edward Parke Custis Lewis,
Esther Maria Lewis, Mary Picton Lewis, Carter Penn Lewis, John Freeland Lewis,
Margaret Byrd Lewis, Fielding Lewis, and William McGuire Lewis.

Edward P.C. Lewis,
(1879-1896) never married,
and Mary Picton Lewis
(1883-1905) never married
John Freeland Lewis
(1887-1894) and
Willie McGuire Lewis
There is also another tiny stone (not pictured) which is very
hard to read. The inscription is: Lorenzo Conrad Lewis – son of H.L.D. Lewis

Carter Penn Freeland Lewis
March 11, 1853 – Dec. 3, 1915
and her husband, H .L. Daingerfield Lewis
April 25, 1841 – Dec. 17, 1893

mentioned before, these tombstones can be found on the
west side of the church.
The patriarch of the family, Lorenzo Lewis, passed away in 1847 so he was not
able to see Edward and Lucy get married.

of Lorenzo Lewis
to the memory of
son of
of Woodlawn. He died at Audley
Clarke County, Virginia, on
the 27th of August 1847
aged 43 years
This monument is erected by
his bereaved widow

Maria Coxe Lewis
Above photo owned by James
and Judy Ware
For Maria Lewis, it must have been a joy to have Edward and Lucy move into
Audley with her after Lorenzo’s passing.
She lived to be 80 years old and had the chance to hold many new babies
in her arms before her death in 1885.
The young couple provided company for her during the terrible years of
the Civil War, and both she and her daughter-in-law drew strength from each
other when they heard of Edward’s arrest and imprisonment in a Union jail during
that time. He was
“one of the organizers and commanders of
the famous Clarke cavalry, rising to the rank of Colonel.”
(Ref. 2396)
Sadly, however, she also had to witness the death of many of her grandchildren
and even the demise of Lucy. Upon
her own passing, Maria Lewis was buried in Grace Cemetery – beside her husband.

Photo courtesy of James and Judy Ware
A lovely stained glass window was placed in honor of both Lorenzo and
Maria Lewis which illustrates Holy Baptism.
The verse in the center of the circle reads:
I indeed baptize you with water unto

The dedication reads:
Photographs taken by James & Judy Ware


Enlarged portion of the stained glass window dedicated to Lorenzo Lewis and his
wife, Esther Marie Coxe Lewis,
shows the wording a little better.
Taken & owned by James and Judy Ware 2002

By all accounts,
Lucy Balmain Ware Lewis was a sweet and
caring person. A letter from Robert
E. Lee’s wife, Mary Custis Lee, reflects this sentiment. In writing to Lucy’s sister, she
“I cannot feel that you are a
stranger, having known your family - one member of which, my dear little Lucy, I
most truly love and appreciate. You
will find in her affection a true piety.”
(Ref. 46)
Excerpt from a letter written by Mary Custis Lee in 1865, owned by James & Judy

(Ref. 46)
Lucy certainly had a life filled with loss and sadness when it came to
having children. She and Edward had
five, but sadly, all of them died very young.
The only child to survive infancy and live to be married was their last
daughter, Lucy; appropriately named after her mother. Tragically, Lucy Balmain Ware Lewis
died shortly after her birth and never got to see her child reach maturity.

Balmain Ware Lewis
It was on July 25, 1859, when Lucy gave birth to the first of her five
children. They named the little girl
Eleanor Angela Lewis. She only lived
seven short months before she died on February 18, 1860. The minister of Grace Episcopal
Church at the time, Rev. Henderson Suter, sent Lucy a note regarding the burial
for her tiny daughter.
(see below)

Note from Rev. Henderson Suter, owned by James & Judy Ware
In 1861, Lucy and Edward welcomed their first son. He was named Lawrence Fielding Lewis
but he never survived infancy. The
same thing happened in 1862 when Lucy delivered another baby boy. This son they named John Glassell
Ware Lewis but again, the newborn did not survive.
In February of 1864, Lucy was pregnant again. She may not have even been aware of
her pregnancy yet when she wrote to a cousin:
“My little ones I know to be safe now; in their Savior’s arms. I cannot realize that I have three in
Heaven, they have come and gone as a dream.”
(Ref. 294)
In August, however, she delivered a healthy baby boy. The couple named their son Edward
Parke Custis Lewis, after his father.
Lucy must have been overjoyed as the months went by and she got to see
this child grow and mature a little.
The happiness would only last 19 months however, for little Eddy died on March
22, 1866. What an incredible mixture
of emotions must have flooded poor Lucy.
To lose a fourth child was almost too much to bear and yet, at the very
time of his death, she was pregnant with (what would be) her last baby. One can feel the depth of her sorrow
and worry in two letters that were written just shortly before she gave birth in
On May 17, 1866, just two months after burying her fourth child, she wrote
the following to a cousin:
“My seeming neglect of your kind affectionate letters has been a source of great
annoyance to me, but the truth is I have not had the heart to write to anyone. I feel that my letters must always be
so sad as there is not much sunshine in my heart now since my Darling one was
taken. It is the fourth one we have
been called to give up – after they had entwined themselves, each one in
succession, around the hearts of us all, oh so fondly, and indeed of everyone
who knew them. Little Eddy was known
everywhere and his little sayings and doings were copied and repeated by all who
knew him, old and young. I try to
bear it all as well as I can for the
sake of other loved ones around me.
I find I must learn to kiss the rod that smites.
“Thy will be done” and submission are two of the hardest tasks to
be felt and learned in the school of affliction.”
(Ref. 227)

Part of the letter written by Lucy Ware Lewis after the
death of baby Eddy, original owned by James and Judy Ware
Then, in a letter to her sister, dated just one month before the birth of
her last baby, it is almost as if Lucy sensed that her own death was imminent. She wrote the following:
“You say if I never write again I will write now.
Maybe there is more truth than you think in your remark – for God only
knows what may be my fate within the next 4 or 6 weeks, as it is a trying
time for me.”
(Ref. 15)
(The letter is very hard to read because, due to the shortage of paper in the Civil
War, people would write in one direction and then turn the paper crosswise and
write in the other direction.)
Everyone around them grieved with Lucy
and Edward over the loss of their children.
Although infant mortality was nothing out of the ordinary during this
time in history, it did not lessen the compassion one felt when watching another
suffer through that kind of sorrow.
The day after Eddy died, the minister’s wife, Mrs. Suter, wrote the following
“My Dear Lucy, I feel as if I must write a few words to you,
this morning to assure you of my sincere sympathy for you, and yet I fear I am
intruding myself upon you in your deep grief. You are indeed called upon to
suffer much; to a loving mother these trials are hard to bear and I
know of nothing to comfort you so much as the recollection that God has seen fit
to call you to add four to that number of little ones around His
throne of whom He said ‘of such is the kingdom of Heaven.’ Try to look above, dear Lucy,
to where they are safely housed and may these afflictions draw you nearer
to Him who chastens but in love, so that when you too are called away, you may
feel that you have four dear children to meet you on that shining shore and part
with never more.
My heart is pained for you, my dear friend, and that God
may comfort you, and Mr. Lewis too, as no one else can, is the sincere
prayer of your attached friend.” M. Suter
Original letter owned by James and Judy Ware

Another letter came to her from her aunt,
Mildred Cove.
“My dear Lucy and Edward,
I cannot tell you, how much shocked and grieved I was, this
afternoon, in receiving a letter from your dear mother, telling me of the death
of our dear little Pet. Oh! My dear
Lucy and Edward, it is hard, very hard to hear, but what can we poor mortals do
but bow in submission to our Heavenly Father’s will, he alone knows best why he
so afflicts you. You both know where
to look for comfort in this your severe affliction and may God give you both
strength to live up under it. It is
but time alone that can assuage such grief as I know yours must be. Your dear Mother will feel his loss
very much. She speaks of him as
being so very lovely and engaging.
How much I regret not having seen him.
I looked forward with so much pleasure seeing him one of these days. He is far happier, is now a dear
little angel, gone to join his dear brother and sisters. All that I can say is, put your trust
in the Almighty, he will give you both strength to bear it. We all feel it most deeply and truly
sympathize with you. May God enable
you in time to say “Thy will be done.”
Mary John and Kate unite with me in kind love to you both. Believe me your
affectionate aunt ~ M. J. Cove”
(Ref. 231)
Original letter owned by James and Judy Ware

Original letter owned by James and Judy Ware
Tucked inside one of Lucy’s old books,
the following poem was found. It was
obviously something that touched her heart deeply.
Original owned by
James and Judy Ware
Lucy’s uneasiness about the impending
birth of her next child proved to be all too prophetic. A baby daughter was born on August
26, 1866, just three months after little Eddy was buried. The little girl was named Lucy Ware
Lewis, in honor of her mother. This
was the only child of Edward and Lucy’s who would survive childhood, marry, and
have a family of her own.
Tragically, her mother never got to witness it.
Lucy Balmain Ware Lewis died on August 26, 1866, at the birth of this
last child. Her sister, Elizabeth,
stepped in to care for the new baby until poor Edward remarried a few years
The following photographs were kindly taken by
Lee McGuigan of Berryville, Virginia.

such is the Kingdom of Heaven”
of E. P. C. Lewis and Lucy Balmain Ware Lewis
Memorial lists the following children for Lucy and Edward Parke Custis Lewis:
Eleanor Angela, Lawrence Fielding,
John Glassell Ware, and Edward P. C. Lewis, Jr.

of Lucy Balmain Ware Lewis

To the memory of
Wife of E.P.C. Lewis
of Clarke County
Who departed this life
August 26th, 1866
in the 27th year of her age.
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”
There is a very special and appropriate place dedicated to Lucy within
the walls of Grace Episcopal Church.
A stained glass window adorns the lovely baptistry there and has witnessed
generations of babies baptized into the church.

Photos taken by James & Judy Ware 2002
Inscription plate on the stained glass window dedicated to Lucy Balmain Ware
Lewis, located in the small baptistry off of the main sanctuary.
The inscription reads:
“To the glory of God and in memory of Lucy Balmain
Lewis, wife of Edward Parke Custis Lewis and their four infant children.”

July 1986,
Stained glass window dedicated to
Lucy Balmain Ware Lewis.
Photo taken by
James & Judy Ware

Edward Parke Custis Lewis
photo owned by James & Judy Ware
Edward Parke Custis Lewis remarried in 1869. His new wife was Mary Picton Stevens,
the widow of Muscoe R. H. Garnett; “a
prominent Virginian who served in the United States and Confederate Congresses.”
(Ref. 2383) Edward settled in Hoboken, New Jersey, and “was elected as a member of the New Jersey legislature, resigning on April 2, 1885
upon appointment by President Cleveland as the United States Minister to
(Ref. 2383) He served as a diplomat throughout
Cleveland’s entire administration.
He and Mary had several children of their own:
Edwin Augustus Lewis who married Alice S. Walker; Esther Maria Lewis, who
was born in Switzerland and married Charles M. Chapin; Julia Stevens Lewis, who
married James M. Cumming and made her home in Levanto, Italy; and Eleanor Parke
Custis Lewis, who married Baron Zdenko von Dworzak and made
her home in Florence, Italy.

Mary Picton Lewis &
Edwin Augustus
Stevens Lewis
owned by James and Judy Ware
While Edward and his family lived in Hoboken, he “was director of the Hoboken Ferry Company
and served as a vestryman of the Trinity Episcopal Church.”
(Ref. 2396)
On September 3, 1892, Edward
Parke Custis Lewis died
in Hoboken, New Jersey. He was
buried there in Princeton Cemetery.

Grave of E. P. C. Lewis in Hoboken, New Jersey, and
E. P. C. Lewis

The only child of E. P. C. Lewis and his first wife (Lucy Balmain
Ware Lewis) to live to adulthood was that last baby Lucy delivered in
1866; appropriately named Lucy Ware Lewis.
When little Lucie (as she often spelled her name) left the care of her
Aunt Elizabeth it was to rejoin her father shortly after his remarriage in 1869. She spent an exciting childhood
traveling abroad with Edward and his new wife.
She grew close to Mary (Minnie) Barton Garnett, the daughter Mary Picton
had conceived from her first marriage (there being only a three year difference
in their ages) and she soon had other new siblings.
As the daughter of a diplomat, Lucie was afforded many experiences unheard of
for most young ladies of her time.
She dined with dignitaries, went to bull fights, danced with dukes, and even had
a chance to meet Queen Victoria of England.
In one of her letters home, she wrote:
“When the Royal family are in
the Palace, permit is given to no one to enter it, to examine it
and the pictures, and here was I - an unknown American to be admitted by the
Queen herself, and stand close by her Majesty.”
Excerpt from letter written by Lucie Ware
original owned by James and Judy Ware
Lucie later married Charles Treadwell Ayres McCormick on December 31, 1893. They were wed in Berryville,
Virginia, but for several years, the couple lived in Manila, Cuba,
“where Charlie was representative for the
U.S. Rubber Company and they had a beautiful home there and a most delightful
(Ref. 2) The couple had two children,
but sadly, neither child lived long enough to marry and have offspring of their
own. The entire ancestral line
descending from Edward P. C. Lewis and Lucy Balmain Ware Lewis died off with
this generation.
The youngest child of Lucie and Charles was a daughter named Mary Elizabeth
McCormick, but she went by the nickname of ‘Leila.’ She was born on August 6, 1899, but
she only lived nine short years; dying on August 16, 1908. She was buried in Grace Churchyard.

of Mary Elizabeth (Leila) McCormick
courtesy of
Lee McGuigan
The oldest McCormick child was a son named Charles Treadwell Ayres McCormick,
Jr., after his father. Charles was
born in 1896, and according to a family letter,
“Charles Jr., a splendid boy, joined the
Marines at 18 at the outbreak of World War I.
In 1918, “he was killed at the battle of Chateau
(Ref. 2,3) This historic battle was fought on
July 18, 1918, and was one of the first actions of the American Expeditionary
Force (AEF) under General John Pershing.
It was especially important for three reasons:
it was the first battle where the AEF
experienced the heavy casualties associated with World War I, it showed the U.S.
Marine Corps determination and dedication, and it was a signal to everyone that
America was on the Western Front to fight.
There is a beautiful memorial plate on the inside wall of Grace Church
honoring the bravery of Charles McCormick, Jr., in this battle.

Memorial for Charles T. A. McCormick,
To the glory of God and in
memory of
only son of
Volunteer and Private
80th Company ____ 6th
who in his twenty second year
fell in battle near Soissons
and lies in an unknown grave
somewhere in France
SEPTEMBER 24, 1896 ____ July
19, 1918
This tablet records the
patriotic devotion and heroic spirit
of one who from the trenches in
France wrote:
“I am where I would most
want to be.”
Chateau Thierry – Belleau Woods
– Bouresches - Soissons

Newspaper article owned by James and Judy Ware
Lucy “inherited the home [in
Berryville] left by her aunt who had
reared her.
(Ref. 3)
She and her husband moved back to Berryville to spend
her remaining years in the town where she was born and married. Charles McCormick Sr. died in 1932,
but Lucie lived another 12 years.
She died in 1944 and was buried beside her husband in Grace Cemetery.

for Charles T. A. McCormick,
courtesy of
Lee McGuigan
In excerpts from her last will and testament, we learn several interesting things about
Lucy [Lucie] Ware Lewis McCormick.
We know, beyond question, she was buried in Grace Episcopal Cemetery because of
the following bequest - -
“To Grace Church, Berryville – the remains
of my lot in the grave yard and $1000.00 for the upkeep of the grave yard.”
We also learn exactly how close her family ties were to President George
Washington and Martha because of several items that were in her possession which
she wished distributed to others.
“To Mount Vernon – 1 silk
patchwork quilt made of pieces of General Washington’s vests, Mrs. Washington &
Nellie Custis’ dresses. Set of
pearls (pin in shape of bird) & silver comb – both of Mrs. George Washington –
also her thread cap lace, also 2 decanters which came from Mount Vernon.”
These very items had first been
lovingly passed down in the family from Martha Washington to her granddaughter,
Nellie. She, in turn, bequeathed
“old relicts of my beloved grandmother,
(Martha Washington) - silk dress or
parts of dresses . . . to the six sons of my darling Lorenzo.” (Ref.
These items are currently owned by Mount Vernon and can be viewed on display;
along with a sugar bowl that was passed down to James and Judy Ware from Lucie
(i.e. the Washington family) as well.
1, 1932
This is my will
1st I wish all my debts to be paid.
I wish
Haines of Winchester to erect a stone over my grave, a duplicate of my husbands
engraved there on: Lucy Ware
Lewis, wife of Charles T.A. McCormick, Born at Audley, Virginia August the 26, 1866 died - - -
2nd I ask my nephew, Walker Lewis
and Captain Frank Wray to act as my executors of this my last will.
3 To my nephew Walker
Lewis, I leave $1,000.00 (one thousand)
4 To my cousins Glassell Elliot
of Waco Texas and James (his brother) Ware Dean of Sacramento California and
Charles Ware of San Antonio Texas – all of my grandfathers (Josiah Wares) furniture, silver, and
china here mentioned: One large side
board with 2 knife boxes. Two (2)
parlor ottomans, one large parlor sofa, one set of brass andirons, fender, and
tongs etc. One large four post
bed. Two (2) miniatures – one of
Josiah Ware and one of his father.
bureau with three mirrors. One
Duncan Fife sewing table – one tea pot & one sugar bowl (silver) with swans on
lid. This has been given to the Wares - one large silver bowl with fruits and
engraved “Agricultural Prize - Jas Ware”
Set of green china to go to Cornelia Anker of Falls Church
5 To my cousin Emily Conti
McCormick – my silver tea set of six (6) pieces marked L.W.L. (kettle not
6 To Mount Vernon – 1 silk
patchwork quilt made of pieces of General Washington’s vests, Mrs. Washington &
Nellie Custis’ dresses. Set of
pearls (pin in shape of bird) & silver comb – both of Mrs. George Washington –
also her thread cap lace. All of the
above were given to me by Mrs. George Goldsborough & duly sworn to. Also 2 decanters which came from
Mount Vernon.
7 To my friend Annie
Stribling $500.00 (five hundred)
To Portia Baldwin – one large plated tray
To my dear Margaretta McGuire – one miniature surrounded with pearls of Charles
McCormick, father of my husband – already given
To Rosalie Smithy – one framed fan – mother of pearl & point lace
One hand painted framed fan (all crossed
To Gertrude Reynolds – all blue India china
13 To Julia Downer $100.00 (one hundred)
To Captain Wray $500.00 (five hundred) (all crossed out)
To Mr. Ware & to Mr. Jones of the Berryville National Bank $100.00 each
To Mrs. Blackburn –Smith -one of the long mirrors in old mahogany frame
To Grace Church, Berryville – the remains of my lot in the grave yard and
$1000.00 for the upkeep of the grave yard.
Sword in mahogany case belonged to Capt. John C. Parker U.S.N. & given my son –
to be given with all papers enclosed to the Navy Museum at Annapolis, Maryland.
To my sisters – Minnie Garnett Mitchell of North Wales, Penna - Julia Cummings
of Levanto, Italy - & Eleanor
Devorsak of Florence Italy, any momento they may choose from my personal
property after all legacies are paid.
20 To my sister and
brother-in-law Esther & Charles Chapin – I leave my love & gratitude all moneys not mentioned
above – in payment of my debt to them both.
And I leave them residuary legatos – hoping if anything remains of my
personal property that is not desired by my family it will be sold and the
proceeds given to the Boys Home of Charlottsville, Virginia in memory of my
21 All books not desired by
Mr. & Mrs. C.M. Chapin to be given to the Berryville Library.
22 If my sister does not
want either my diamond pin or my diamond ring, I wish all jewelry & clothes to
be sold and money given to (proceeds sent to) The Mountain Mission Simmons Gap
to be used helping the very needy mountaineers.
$100.00 to Emily Powers
I also
wish Mrs. Crampton to choose whatever souvenir she will take & to Florence
Gilleson $100.00
(on back of page two of the will)
To my
nephew Walker Lewis, I leave all monies from my Mexican claim.
W. McCormick Berryville
June 1, 1932 VIRGINIA
Proved in the Clerk’s Office of the
Circuit Court of Clarke County – the 5th day of December, 1944

original pages of the will of Lucy Ware Lewis
all pages owned by James and Judy Ware
When Lucie Ware Lewis McCormick, the only surviving child of Lucy and Edward
Parke Custis Lewis, died on November 8, 1944, the last of the direct Washington
descendants coming down from the Ware line through Josiah Ware (and his wife
Frances) died too.
Grave of Lucy W. Lewis –
photo courtesy of
Lee McGuigan
