on images to see a larger version.
First Column
James Ware Born 13th January 1771
Elizabeth T. Ware 26 October 1774
Sarah E.T. Ware 1st October 1797
Charles A. Ware 3rd July 1800
Josiah W. Ware 19th August 1802
Harriet M. Ware 26th April 1790
James W. Ware 1st February 1809
Bushrod T. Ware 10 September 1810
Thomas M. Ware 3rd July 1812
Lucy Catharine Ware 26th July 1814
Harriet Mary Todd Ware 21st November 1816
Elizabeth Alexander Ware 6th November 1818
Frances Toy Glassell - July 25th, 1809 wife of Josiah W. Ware
James Ware - son of Josiah & February 16,1831 Frances Ware
James Alexander Ware - November 26th, 1832 son of Josiah & Frances
John Glassell Ware May 2nd 1835 son of Josiah & Frances
Elizabeth Alexander September 30th, 1837 Ware - daughter of Josiah & Frances
Lucy Balmain Ware January 10th, 1839 daughter of Josiah & Frances
Charles Alexander Ware April 26th, 1841 son of Frances & Josiah
Second Column
Marshall W. McGuire March 21st, 1884
Elizabeth H. McGuire March 13th, 1886
Catharine Ware McGuire April 5th, 1838
Edmonia Jaqueline Smith - daughter of Edward Jaqueline & Elizabeth Smith March 7th,
Jaqueline Smith Ware -son of Josiah W. & Edmonia J. Ware February 7th, 1846
Josiah William Ware son of Josiah W. & Edmonia J. Ware July 8th, 1847
Sigismund Stribling Ware son of Josiah W. & Edmonia J. Ware June 27th, 1849
Sigismund Stribling Ware - son of Josiah Wm. Ware & Edmonia J. Ware February 3rd, 1851
Josiah Wm. Ware - son of Josiah Wm. Ware & Edmonia J. Ware November 23rd, 1853
Robert Macky Ware - son of Josiah W. & Edmonia J. Ware May 5th, 1857
Lucy Ware Lewis - daughter of Edward P.C. Lewis & Lucy B. Ware August 26th, 1866 |

Mrs. Sarah Snickers Alexander January 18, 1756
Mrs. Catherine Macky August 20, 1757
William Snickers July 20, 1759
Mrs. Betty Snickers Stribling November 11, 1761
Elizabeth T. Ware August 29th, 1803
Bushrod T. Ware June 14, 1817
Elizabeth Alexander Ware January 6th, 1820 12:O'Clock
James Ware died on Thursday night the 13th September 1821
Harriet M. Ware died on Friday the first day of November 1822 11O'Clock
Harriet Mary Todd Ware departed this life on Tuesday the 5th day of February, 1828
James W. Ware departed this life on the 7th April 1827 on board the ship Herald
bound to CharlesTown South Carolina - - Capt. Graham Master
Thomas Marshall Ware on the 12th of October 1832

DeathsJames Ware - son of Josiah & Frances October 25th, 1831
Frances Toy Ware May 10th, 1842 8 a.m.
Josiah Wm. Ware - son of Josiah W. Ware & Edmonia J. Ware November 13, 1847
Sigismund Stribling Ware - son of Josiah Wm. & Edmonia J. Ware January 1, 1850
John G. Ware - son of Josiah W. & Fanny T. Ware September 29th, 1858 in
Galveston, Texas of Yellow Fever
Lucy B. Lewis - daughter of Josiah W. & Frances T. Ware August 26th, 1866
Charles Alexander Ware - son of James & Elizabeth December 3rd, 1823 12:00
Mrs. Sarah Alexander July 11, 1824
Mrs. Betty Stribling April 5, 1819
William Snickers December 4, 1823
Sigismund Stribling October 24, 1821 |

James Ware & Elizabeth T. Alexander November 10th, 1796
James Ware & Harriet M. Taylor March 17th, 1808
Josiah Wm. Ware & Frances T. Glassell - daughter of John Glassell February
22nd, 1827
Sigismund Stribling & Sarah E.T. Ware - daughter of James & Elizabeth Ware
November 7th, 1820
Josiah Wm. Ware & Edmonia Jaqueline Smith - daughter of Edward Jaqueline Smith
January 30th, 1845
Edward P.C. Lewis & Lucy B. Ware