Researched & written by Judith C. Ware
2002, Updated March 2008
Judy C. Ware
During the Civil War, one of the true hotspots of the fighting occurred in
the heart of the Shenandoah Valley. This area of the country (around Winchester and
Berryville) served the Confederacy as a vital source of food and forage. Beyond
that, geography made it an important military highway, a great covered way for
the Southern forces. In 1862 the area was the scene of Jacksons great campaign, and
in 1864 Yankee General Philip Sheridan was ordered to put the Souths granary to the
torch; leading to great desolation in this area. (ref. 277)
As a point of interest, the battle of Berryville was the last engagement Jubal Early
had in Clarke County.
The following are some of the Confederate officers active in the area:
*CSA = Confederate States of America
CSA - Capt. John Singleton Mosby.
He served as a scout for Jeb Stuart & led numerous raids in the valley against the
Union troops. His men helped put out the fire at Springfield and retaliated against the
Yankees for the burning of homes in the Valley.
CSA Capt. William Chapman |
J.S. Russell
CSA Gen. Robert E. Lee,
Commander of the Confederate forces. He stopped with his troops to worship at Grace
Episcopal Church in Berryville right before the battle at Gettysburg. He also had written
correspondence with Josiah Ware. Lee's daughter was friends with both of Josiah's
CSA Gen. Fitzhugh Lee.
He was the nephew of Robert E. Lee |
CSA Gen. Joe Johnston |
CSA Gen. Jubal Early.
He defeated by Sheridan at Winchester, Fisher's Hill & Cedar Creek. Josiah's son,
Charles Alexander Ware, served with him. |
CSA Gen. John Breckenridge
served as Confederate Secretary of War after Feb. 1865 |
CSA Gen. Turner Ashby.
He fought at Winchester & during the Valley Campaign. General Ashby asked Josiah Ware
to take one of his regiments, but he died before it could be accomplished. |
CSA Gen. William Jones.
Josiah said he was referred to as the "Flying General" in Winchester after he
fell back to Newmarket instead of engaging with General Geary when he raided the area. |
CSA Gen. A.P. Hill. He
fought with Jackson & helped ward off a defeat for Lee at Sharpsburg. Josiah wrote of
Hill's story about a French Col. and a farmer's horse, and he criticized Hill's actions
concerning runaway slaves. He also described the condition of the Confederate soldiers in
Hill's army when they were encamped at Springfield. General Ambrose Hill shared meals with
Josiah and spoke with him often about the ongoing battles.
CSA Gen. John Gregg.
Josiah shared meals with Gen. Gregg while his division was encamped at Springfield with
Gen. A.P. Hill. |
CSA Gen. Benjamin Huger.
Josiah discussed how disappointed Lee was that Gen. Huger and Gen. Magruder did not get to
their destination in time to capture McClellen.
CSA Gen. John Magruder.
He bluffed the Union troops into believing he had more men than he actually did. |
CSA Gen. Allen Thomas.
He was part of the encampment on Springfield with General A.P. Hill. Josiah wrote about
getting to know him. |
CSA Gen. John McCausland.
He led a Calvary brigade in the Shenandoah. |
CSA - Gen. Stonewall Jackson.
He took command of the Confederate forces in the Shenandoah Valley - one of Lee's top
officers. Josiah writes of his victory over the Yankees at the river crossing in
Shepherdstown. Josiah's son, Charles Alexander Ware, served with Jackson at Harper's
Ferry. He was in the cavalry at the time, but later transferred to the Medical Corps.
CSA - Gen. Jeb Stuart.
Head of the cavalry in the army of Northern Virginia - a major scout for Gen. Lee and
known for his flamboyancy. Josiah mentions him dancing with the girls and almost getting
caught by the Yankees, and also his making a raid into Pennslyvania to get horses.
Josiah's son, Charles Alexander Ware, served in J.E.B. Stuart's Cavalry, and one of
Stuart's favorite horses that he rode in the war was actually a gift from Josiah.
CSA - Gen. Richard S. Ewell.
He won victories at Winchester. Josiah writes of him capturing some Yankee pickets.
Charles Alexander Ware participated in several campaigns with Gen. Ewell.
CSA - Gen. James Jay Archer.
He was part of the encampment on Josiah's land - with General A.P. Hill. Josiah wrote of
sharing meals with him. |
CSA - Gen. Lunsford Lomax.
Josiah's son, Charles Alexander Ware, served as a surgeon in Lomax's Cavalry Division.
(see bio of CA WARE) |
CSA - Gen. John Imboden.
Dr. Charles Alexander Ware served as Head Surgeon for Gen. Imboden's Corps. |
CSA - Gen. James Longstreet.
Both Lee and Longstreet stopped off to worship at Grace Episcopal Church in Berryville,
Virginia before going to Gettysburg. |
These Union officers were also in the area:
*USA = United States of America
USA Gen. Philip Sheridan.
He followed the orders given by Grant to turn the Shenandoah Valley into a "barren
waste" - fought against Jubal Early at Cedar Creek, Fisher's Hill, & Winchester.
USA Gen. George Custer.
He ordered retaliation for Mosby's raids by burning homes in the Shenandoah Valley. |
USA Gen. Joseph Hooker.
In charge of major offensives against Lees Army of Northern Virginia. |
USA Gen. Wesley Merritt.
He was part of a Union encampment on Josiah Ware's land. He actually made his headquarters
at Springfield and stayed in one of the guest rooms. In gratitude for the hospitality
shown him, he gave assurance that Springfield would not be harmed by Union forces.
USA Gen. David Hunter.
It was under the command of Gen. Hunter that Wright's 6th Corps descended upon Springfield
and stripped it clean of all they could. Edmonia Ware (wife of Josiah) wrote about him in
her letter to her daughter, Elizabeth, and called him the "infamous Hunter." Her
letter gives a heart-wrenching view of the circumstances - (see Edmonia's letter to Elizabeth)
USA Gen. Robert Milroy.
Josiah wrote about him quite a bit in his letter to his son, James. He wrote that Gen.
Milroy was a "bad man" and had posted placards in Winchester to incite the
negroes in the area.
USA Gen. Nathaniel Banks.
He led the V Corps during The Shenandoah Valley Campaign. Josiah wrote of his hasty
retreat out of Front Royal when surprised by Generals Ewell & Jackson. He also wrote
of how Gen. Banks and his men looted the countryside. Josiah personally went to General
Bank's headquarters in Middletown to demand restitution for stolen property. Banks
actually complied with his request, but things were still confiscated when Pope's orders
superseded Banks. There are also letters written between Gen. Banks and Josiah.
USA Gen. John Charles Fremont.
He failed to stop Stonewall Jackson in his Shenandoah campaign & was relieved of his
command for refusing to serve under General Pope.
USA Gen. Franz Sigel. He
held a series of senior commands in the Shenandoah Valley Josiah appealed to him
for the return of his cattle but was never granted a discussion with him.
USA Gen. John Pope.
He was the replacement for General McClellan as the senior commander in the Virginia
theater he was later relieved of command by Lincoln. Josiah writes of how Pope kept
a pair of handcuffs he hoped to use on Jackson but never got the chance. General Pope
barely escaped being captured by the unit Dr. Charles Ware was with.
USA Gen. Irvin McDowell.
He became III Corp Commander under General Pope. Josiah wrote how General McDowell was
coming from Fredricksburg and Gen. Milroy was coming from western Virginia on their march
to meet at Strasburg.
USA Gen. Julius Stahel.
Josiah wrote that he was a Dutchman (commanding the Yankee cavalry) who came up from
Fairfax County to make a raid on them. He wrote of how Gen. Stahel opened his fences &
drove off all his cattle, and how he (Josiah) actually went to Stahel's headquarters to
ask for his property back.
USA Gen. George McClellan.
He was head of the Union army before Grant. President Lincoln was so distressed with
McClellan's inability to take action and get results, that he finally relieved him of duty
and gave the position of leadership to General Grant. Josiah wrote about how the
Confederates met Gen. McClellan at Antietam and whipped the Yankees back (at a terrible
USA Gen. David Allen Russell.
He was killed at battle of Winchester, 1864. |
USA - Gen. Ambrose Burnside.
Josiah wrote his son (James Alexander Ware) about how the Yankees wanted to "swap
Burnside for Jackson because he (Burnside) was 'such a damned fool'" & even the
Yankees admired General Stonewall Jackson.
USA - Gen. John Geary.
Josiah referred to him as a "bad man" and his men as "ruffians" in the
town of Warrenton. He also mentioned a raid that Gen. Geary made through Berryville and
USA - Gen. Horatio Wright.
He was leader of the infamous 6th Corps that Edmonia Ware (Josiah's wife) wrote about in
her letter. She described them as "pouring down on them like a pack of thieves."
USA - Gen. Louis Blenker.
Josiah mentioned in his letter how General Blenker's Union forces tried to cross a river
in the area. The river was so high that many of the men (75 of them) were drowned.
USA - Gen. John P. Hatch.
General Hatch was Chief of Cavalry during one of the Shenandoah campaigns. Josiah carried
a letter from him to Maj. Perkins concerning his stolen goods & how to get them back. |
Several of the battles that occurred around the area where Josiah lived were those
fought at Millwood, Berryville, Winchester, Cedar Creek (20 miles south of Winchester),
Fishers Hill, and New Market.
Some of the battles of Stonewall Jacksons Brigade were:
Winchester May 25, 1862
Winchester June 14th and 15th, 1863
Snickers Ferry July 18, 1864
Winchester July 24, 1864
Winchester August 18th, 1864
Winchester Sept. 19, 1864
***These places were mentioned in Josiahs letter and are highlighted and
numbered on the maps that are attached to this document. 
- Hagerstown
- Williamsport
- Martinsburg
- Shepherdstown
- Antietam
- Harpers Ferry
- Charlestown
- Leesburg
- Berryville
- Winchester
- Middletown
- Strasburg
- Front Royal
- New market
- Cool Spring
- Cedar Creek
- Fishers Hill

- Warrenton
- Staunton
- Frederick
- Gordonsville
- Richmond
- Fredericksburg
** The number on the list matches the number on the maps.
Click on map images to see full-size maps.
Reference 277 Map & reference (quote) The Civil War, narrative by Bruce
Catton, American Heritage/Bonanza Books New York, by the Editors of American Heritage,
page 152
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Placement of family photographs and visual
graphics accompanying this piece are the fine work of John Reagan who has been an
invaluable help in setting up a website for me entitled Ware Genealogy at I will
forever be grateful for his expertise and kindness.
This site maintained by
John Reagan
and last updated